What Is Our Golf Program?

Golf-specific strength training optimizes your body for golf.  No matter your age or skill level, you can improve your MOBILITY, CONSISTENCY, and DISTANCE on the golf course.  Additionally, and more importantly, it can help PREVENT INJURY.

Mojoe’s founder, Joe Romano BS, TPI certified, and well-known local player/teacher Steve Fogler have developed this program to greatly enhance your ability to grow and improve as a golfer.

Our Golf Program Objectives:

  • Increase force production and distance
  • Improve rotational power.
  • Maximize flexibility
  • Improve dynamic balance
  • Reduce injury Exposure

Benefits of the Golf Program:


In sports training, we talk about Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand (SAID), or specificity. In general, what this means is, the body will get better at the actions we ask it to take, over time, therefore if we want to get better at a certain sport, we want to tailor the workout to that sport. This principle seems self evident, (do the stuff you want to get better at!!!), but what is not so self evident is the best road to get there. For example, baseball players long thought that warming up with a weighted bat was a great way to improve bat speed, it turns out, that’s not the case (it actually slows bat speed down.) Our Winter Golf Workout is designed to strengthen the patterns of movement that are required for golf by taking knowledge of the sport and translating it into a training program.


Golf has changed in recent years. We now know the importance of strength and conditioning for a strong game. Being a golfer means being an athlete. Being an athlete means training like one. If you want to take advantage of the cold weather, the best way to do that is by improving your conditioning and the best way to do that is a workout designed for the specific needs of  golfer.


If there is one thing that seems to be lacking for most golfers, it is flexibility. Our daily routines may as well have designed to make us twisted up balls of tightness. The bad news is, flexibility takes consistent time and dedicated effort to improve. The good news is, The off season is a fantastic time to really put in the work that will improve flexibility and therefore your game. Each workout will include flexibility work to get you on the right path.